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Our natural skin exfoliation process slows down as we age, leaving us with dull, dry, congested, or uneven skin. Dr. Ray and the View Laser team offer microdermabrasion treatments customized for each patient to promote detoxification, hydration, and rejuvenation. This treatment is excellent for all skin types, even sensitive skin. A stainless steel wand tipped with crystal-cut diamonds is gently vacuumed across the skin’s surface to easily lift dead skin, stimulate collagen, and promote a smoother, brighter appearance. This process also enhances the efficacy of patients’ physician-recommended home care products.

Treatment Details
Each treatment typically takes approximately 30 minutes. The DiamondTome microdermabrasion device is used in this treatment.

Recovery & Results
Results are visible immediately after treatment and improve in the days following. Patients seeking to maintain optimal results can expect to return for repeat treatments approximately every 4-8 weeks. This procedure is comfortable and has no recovery time. Overall skin health should always be maintained with proper home care as directed by Dr. Ray.

Used to treat:
​Rough, dry, or oily skin; blackheads and whiteheads; enlarged pores; uneven skin; and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Also used to decongest skin and prevent breakouts. Most commonly used on the face.


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